
The Governors of a school have the legal responsibility to make sure it functions effectively and within the law.

If you would like to find out more about our Governors, please follow this link:

Governing Body membership

Governing Body committee membership

The attendance data for the Governors can be found here:

Governing body meeting attendance data

Governing body committee meeting attendance data

The register of Governor’s pecuniary interests can be found here:
Pecuniary Interests

(The original version of this form with actual signatures has been completed and is held by the school. There are no declared pecuniary interests)

The Governor’s self evaluation can be found by clicking here:
Governing Body Self Evaluation

The School’s behaviour principles from the Governing Body can be found by clicking on this link:
Behaviour Principles

The Safeguarding Report can be found by clicking this link:
Safeguarding report 2022

The Special Educational Needs Report can be found below:
SEND Report 2022